Save the Bees Infographic
Over the years, the population of bees has drastically dropped to unimaginable numbers. For the entire year — April 1, 2019, to April 1, 2020 — the managed bee population decreased by 40.7%.This will have a disastrous effect on our lives because #bees play a key role in keeping the cycle of life turning. They provide pollination which helps plants grow, breed, and produce food. Without the bees, we can expect to see a food shortage in the future. Now more than ever we must act to save our buzzing brethren before they reach extinction.
World's Crops
Bees pollinate a third of what we eat and play a vital role in sustaining the planet’s ecosystems. Some 84% of the crops grown for human consumption need bees or other insects to pollinate them to increase their yields and quality.
Food Production
Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops. That’s only the start. We may lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants, and so on up the food chain.
Food Decline
The reality is that bees play a critical role in feeding the world by pollinating the crops that feed 90% of the global population.This means that the ongoing decline of bees and other pollinators poses a serious threat to the future of the world’s food supply.